I was hired by MRM to come in and design a version of that pushed the work 4 or 5 steps beyond what the client expected. This was one of two pitch directions we worked on. The other was a more straight forward redesign that cleared up a lot of Bissell's E-Commerce UI, and simplified the copy.
The Problem today is very e-commerce driven. With multiple stakeholders over time there was a lot of overlap, and "add-on" type ideas that lead to a lot of disjointed UI, and the design did not feel cohesive or refined.
The Solution:
My idea for this pitchwork was to go bold with headlines, bring in the branding with better image selects that really captured the customer and their pet, as well as, simplify the messaging on a component-by-component basis leading to more clarity, and improved scanability.
The Outcome
A simplified and refined design approach that competes with the big brands we know and love. Although we did not win the pitch we received many compliments on the approach, and the thought put into our execution.
Project Details
Agency / Client
Sr. Art Director